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Updates and Rumors:
July 18, 2001
Today is D-Day!!! This is the day where BAckstreet Boys and NSYNC hopefully get kicked off the countdown and in Stevo's words....Never get on that F***in show again!!! VOTE VOTE VOTE!!!!
1-800-342-5678 (1-800 DIAL MTV) or go to MTV.com...VOTE! Put in some good words for punk!!!
....get ur votes in between 3:00 to 3:20....watch it go down at 3:30pm!!!
July 16th, 2001
Sum 41 was number 1 on TRL today!!! Thanks for the support....we're gonna do it again on D-Day!
SUm 41 shall reign again!!!

Well....this is the most interesting rumor I've heard...a fan had said that MTV News that Deryck (Bizzydee) is seeing Michelle (The one that is not one of the sisters...the new one....)from Destiny's Child!!! Could that be true....I'm not sure but hey, opposites do attract!!!

Another rumor is that there is a song by BLink 182 actually sung by Deryck. I don't know if this is true...but another Sum¤site has said that it doesn't sound like either band. If you know what this song is is titled, e-mail either me or Brad. (refer to Bother Me)